Wednesday, 2 May 2012

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot.

People who talk a lot: politicians, religious leaders, lecturers or teachers, most leaders or managers and most of us. People love to talk; they enjoy the attention and the feeling of centre stage.

“Talk is cheap” and it is true. Many who talk do it solely for the attention and thus we never see any action. I believe you have met Uncle Bob or Harry or what’s his name at a family function. He always has these great business ideas, everything is planned out and he already knows exactly who to approach but it never happens.

Talkers tend to disappoint and after some time people stop believing. “Actions are worth more than a thousand words” and also this is true. Actions show results and we gain experience, they add something to the table.

The sound of one hand clapping.

It is when you clap together both hands a sharp sound is heard; when you rise   the one hand there is neither sound or someone makes noise.  The concept of clapping implies that a sound is being produced by two surfaces coming into contact, even if only one of them is actually moving.

 No sound, no clapping; no second surface, no sound. Yet, the riddle definitely states that there is a sound and that there are clapping. Therefore, my answer follows logically when the sound of the one hand is clamping it means that there is someone who is using his or her both hands to create sound for him or a group of people.

When someone claps together his hand a sharp sound is heard, to create sound maybe for music band or to follow the song in the church. People clap their hands to create a sound for many different things. For example some people they clap their hands when they want to call a person that is far from them than they clap their hand if they don’t want to shout at the person. So to my on understanding there is no sound of the one hand, sound comes out when you use both hands.

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself.

This topic is base on me! I have done this since I was at the age of 15 years old, when I refused to listen to my father and wore an outfit that looked bad and when we were going to the wedding I lied to myself saying that I looked great, when instead I knew I was just wearing my favourite items in my wardrobe and didn’t care if they matched the event that we were going to.

I also think it is a poor idea to lie to yourself when you tell yourself when you say there is lots of fishes in the see although you won’t get the same fish that you had before. This is what most of the people use to say when they give up on their partners.

Another time in my life that comes to mind that was a really poor idea was when I stayed I use to date girls not having the one for me, I use to tell them that I really love them although I didn’t and think that they also feel the same for me until I have noticed that we are just playing game there is no love at all.  

So my advice to everyone is learn from your past mistakes or try and don’t forget the lessons you have learnt whether from a bad outfit choice to that girl or guys you thinking of staying in a relationship with. Life is too short to spend it in a ‘lie’ or lying to yourself. And people must remember that the greatest regrets in our live are the risks that we do not take, so if you think that something will make you happy go for it.

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

For me stepping off a 100-feet pole means to take a risk. This is when you have been pondering about doing something, procrastinating, thinking and deciding and rethinking your options. Stepping off the 100-feet pole means that you finally say to yourself go to yourself. You do not know the outcome and you might fail and hit the ground hard, but you take that step with courage in your heart.
It also means starting over – you have reached that top position in your company and then you get retrenched or you make a drastic career change. Or you finished your BTech degree and then you start studying in another industry all over again. You literally need to start climbing from the pavement again, step by step.
But at this moment in time, it has a specific meaning to my life. Climbing up the pole means counting down the days and waiting in anticipation until someone returns to you. When they return, you have reached the top of the pole and you stay there for as long as you can – viewing the world like never seen before, holding on to each moment of togetherness. Stepping off that 100-feet pole (for me) was to say goodbye and hitting the bottom ground along with the departure.
How do you step off that 100-feet pole and survive the fall? You get right up and start climbing all over again.