Friday, 21 September 2012

If it seems that I am simplifying the process, I am.  Do you want to look in the mirror some day and see an old man or woman and say where did my life go?  When I look in the mirror, I see an old man, but I have done everything I ever wanted to do in my life!  So what have you been putting off?  Ask yourself what you need to do today to start to accomplish it.  About thirty three years ago, I realized I wanted to be financial independent!  I put together a plan to accomplish that goal by age forty.  I took my goal and broke it down to daily tasks.  I monitored my progress weekly, adjusted my efforts to meet my goals and I accomplished my financial independence at age 38!
You have to take responsibility for your life!  Stop making excuses and start now to go for what you want.  If you don’t have the skills, get them!  If you don’t have the training, get it!  Get whatever you need to meet the challenge.  What do you need to do to lose weight?  What do you need to be financially independent?  What do you need to do to get out of debt?  Remember success is the accomplishment of the goal.  Lay out your plan and execute it.  Your plan must work for you, so personalize it.  When I was trying to lose weight, the vending machines at work could undo my efforts so I never carried money.  That worked for me!
What are you doing to meet your goals?  What are you doing today to meet your goals?  What excuse is keeping you from your goal?  Successful people don’t make excuses, they take action.  The difference between an excuse and a reason is clear.  An excuse is an explanation of why something failed blaming someone or something.  A reason is an explanation where everyone takes accountability.  For example, I want to lose weight, but I do not have time to go to the gym.  Stop making excuses and start on your dreams.  Let’s start a trend, better yet a movement toward accomplishing your goals, dreams or fantasies!  What do you think?

...Watch this space...

Next year is my year of drama and prosperity, God willing, I intend to change the way I live and the way I do certain things. Just watch this space, I promise you my image will not be the same come January 2013. I plan to be extra fashionable in the way I address as the world is changing at a rather faster pace. Another alteration will be on the perception I have on men, I mean all men. I intend to be more flexible to allow men to also have a say on decisions I make, be it on a social or corporate level.

Besides, keep on watching this space because I am definitely getting what I want in the shortest possible time and of course it is something that I will cherish very much and therefore, I mean to share the joy of having it with the whole world, I mean with those who know me. As a woman of virtue, I hold the power to get what I want with on doubt or fear. I am not going to say it now for it is a huge surprise and if I did you will watch this space no more. So, hang in there and watch this space.

Why I have conversations

Sharing information makes my life seem easier and helps us to survive, and if someone agrees and can relate to what I am sharing I feel better it helps knowing that you are not the only one. In social media when we update our status we looking for attention, connectedness and information from others that are far from us.

Most of the time I find myself talking to someone when I value their conversation however when I am quiet around you it’s mainly because I don’t like you.  

From a public relations perspective I have conversations to ensure that I strategically manage the perceptions of others about me, well that is not exactly true. Below I have listed the conversations that I have on a regular basis.


1  I have real conversations with God, because this helps me to release anxiety and fears even though I sometimes feel like no-one is listening it helps to have faith and read scripture to find direction.
2  With my friends, because it helps to know their situations are often worst than mine, and if they have no news to entertain me with, we always willing to change the topic and make it about someone else with gossip and deep feelings.  
3   My mother ‘the preacher” as she is always pretending to be Doctor Phil trying to sort out everyone’s issues but her own.
4   With myself to suppress negative thoughts and be positive.
5  On social media channels with status updates and little random promotions about myself and new activities which can become annoying but it is just to starting a conversation. 


1.     Attend at least one major sporting event: the Super Bowl, the Olympics, the U.S. Open.
2.     Throw a huge party and invite every one of your friends.
3.     Swim with a dolphin.
4.     Skydive.
5.     Have your portrait painted.
6.     Learn to speak a foreign language and make sure you use it.
7.     Go skinny-dipping at midnight in the South of France.
8.     Watch the launch of the space shuttle.
9.     Spend a whole day eating junk food without feeling guilty.
10. Be an extra in a film.
11. Tell someone the story of your life, sparing no details.
12. Make love on a forest floor.
13. Make love on a train.
14. Learn to rollerblade.
15. Own a room with a view.
16. Brew your own beer.
17. Learn how to take a compliment.
18. Buy a round-the-world air ticket and a rucksack, and run away.
19. Grow a beard and leave it for at least a month.
20. Give your mother a dozen red roses and tell her you love her.
21. Be a member of the audience in a TV show.
22. Put your name down to be a passenger on the first tourist shuttle to the moon.
23. Send a message in a bottle.
24. Ride a camel into the desert.
25. Get to know your neighbors.
26. Plant a tree.
27. Learn not to say yes when you really mean no.
28. Write a fan letter to your all-time favorite hero or heroine.
29. Visit the Senate and the House of Representatives to see how Congress really works.
30. Learn to ballroom dance properly.
31. Eat jellied eels from a stall in London.
32. Be the boss.
33. Fall deeply in love -- helplessly and unconditionally.
34. Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia.
35. Sit on a jury.
36. Write the novel you know you have inside you.
37. Go to Walden Pond and read Thoreau while drifting in a canoe.
38. Stay out all night dancing and go to work the next day without having gone home (just once).
39. Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich.
40. Be someone's mentor.
41. Shower in a waterfall.
42. Ask for a raise.
43. Learn to play a musical instrument with some degree of skill.
44. Teach someone illiterate to read.
45. Be one of the first to take a flight on the new Airbus A380.
46. Spend a night in a haunted house -- by yourself.
47. Write down your personal mission statement, follow it, and revise it from time to time.
48. See a lunar eclipse.
49. Spend New Year's in an exotic location.
50. Get passionate about a cause and spend time helping it, instead of just thinking about it.
51. Experience weightlessness.
52. Sing a great song in front of an audience.
53. Ask someone you've only just met to go on a date.
54. Drive across America from coast to coast.
55. Make a complete and utter fool of yourself.
56. Own one very expensive but absolutely wonderful business suit.
57. Write your will.
58. Sleep under the stars.
59. Take a ride on the highest roller coaster in the country.
60. Learn how to complain effectively -- and do it!
61. Go wild in Rio during Carnival.
62. Spend a whole day reading a great novel.
63. Forgive your parents.
64. Learn to juggle with three balls.
65. Drive the Autobahn.
66. Find a job you love.
67. Spend Christmas on the beach drinking pina coladas.
68. Overcome your fear of failure.
69. Raft through the Grand Canyon.
70. Donate money and put your name on something: a college scholarship, a bench in the park.
71. Buy your own house and then spend time making it into exactly what you want.
72. Grow a garden.
73. Spend three months getting your body into optimum shape.
74. Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring.
75. Accept yourself for who you are.
76. Learn to use a microphone and give a speech in public.
77. Scuba dive off Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
78. Go up in a hot-air balloon.
79. Attend one really huge rock concert.
80. Kiss someone you've just met on a blind date.
81. Be able to handle: your tax forms, Jehovah's Witnesses, your banker, telephone solicitors.
82. Give to a charity anonymously.
83. Lose more money than you can afford at roulette in Vegas.
84. Let someone feed you peeled, seedless grapes.
85. Kiss the Blarney stone and develop the gift of gab.
86. Fart in a crowded space.
87. Make love on the kitchen floor.
88. deep sea fishing and eat your catch.
89. Create your own web site.
90. Visit the Holy Land.
91. Make yourself spend a half-day at a concentration camp and swear never to forget.
92. Run to the top of the Statue of Liberty.
93. Create your Family Tree.
94. Catch a ball in the stands of a major league baseball stadium.
95. Make a hole-in-one.
96. Ski a double-black diamond run.
97. Learn to bartend.
98. Run a marathon.
99. Look into your child's eyes, see yourself, and smile.
100Reflect on your greatest weakness, and realize how it is your greatest strength.

My Big Fat Dream

I am chasing my big fat BIG dream, though; it’s not an easy chase.
Patience is a virtue in this quest.

The hunt for this enormous dream requires proper planning in order to have direction.
Of which direction results in being focused on what I want to achieve.
Oh, Yes! Determination, the courage and strength to go on is needed as this is a complicated road.

It’s a road full of many serious obstacles; ditches, bumps, people congestion, blockage of the mind and fear of risk taking and failure.

My chase of the big fat BIG dream, I can assure you has been the most devastating ever although, the most rewarding one as victory is evident.

This quest has now made me too deeply understand the Portuguese term (Aluta Continua-A Victoria E Certa), which Angola and Mozambique used during their liberation struggles.
In English the term means “The Battle Continues-As Victory is evident/certain”.

I believe every big fat BIG dream requires the craziest chase ever, the chase of a life time. Chase your dreams to the fullest.

Most amazingly, I am almost there.

Conventional is a good fallback position isn't it?

At least people know that once they go conventional no one will criticise them because they are conforming to accepted customs. However, once a person deviates from what is “formal”, confusion starts.

Although, not all customs are good for everybody and for this reason, somehow those who “stray” from them are unfairly treated.
Besides, I would say being conventional is being afraid of taking up risks. Though, this norm (conventional) is dangerous in today’s society, where people need to be creative and innovative to survive. This is because the modern generation is comprised of individualised persons who have capitalistic minds.Not afraid to take on new challenges to improve the standards of living. While this kind of thinking has developed globally, it is still regarded as a threat to tradition. People here see things totally different from the olden good days. Now it’s all about me, the other people don’t really matter, anyways; I will only need them when time comes. 
 In the past, people depended on each other for survival; the success of a member of a family was the whole family’s triumph. One would say that the reason for so many problems at present is due to man’s divergence from what is considered right.

The good logic is to have both and thus be conventional as well as an activist.

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time
….or so they say.

I have experienced the nasty pain of this once before. I was chasing my dream of becoming a public relations professional, can’t wait for that dream to become a reality, and while chasing that dream it seemed that I lost so many aspects of my personal life along the way. My studies were blossoming and I was enjoying every moment of it, however I lost so many friends, friends that I thought would be a part of my life forever. It is sad to think about the difficult decisions which had to be made. Although, there are many days when I still feel sad, and I miss my friends terribly, I have to trust the Lord that I have made the right decisions and that it will all be worthy it in the end. 

So, however much I wanted to catch both rabbits, in my personal and professional life… I had make a decision.

When choosing which rabbit to chase, make sure that you think about it before you decide. Remember that the chances of ever catching the other rabbit are slim to none. 

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea

Idea generation helps you fill the pipeline:
·         Develop new products, services and business opportunities
·         Extend or enhance a brand or product line
·         Create new packaging, advertising, and promotions
Four steps to great ideas
·         Selection: Using proprietary screening questions, we identify terrific people adults or kids for your ideation team
·         Motivation: Mind expanding exercises that utilize different learning styles open the gates to creative thinking
·         Navigation: Using our Team Navigation  process, we channel that creativity into usable ideas and next steps
·         Results: You get the outcomes you need from an inventory of workable ideas to test-ready concepts.
Be creative with anyone
We will work with your team, adult consumers, or kids to expand your vision and develop ideas you can use.
Be creative anywhere
We can bring idea generation to you, take it on the road, or offer you a world of creativity.

Have you figured out the second head fake

I think that I live my life doing unto and treating others as I would like do into me. I happen to think that I live my life according to God’s will and society’s rules. I understand what it is to have morals and integrity - and to live by them.

I fully understand that life can be cruel and unfair and when you least need it to be. That if I want something that I need to work hard to get that there are no hand-outs in life. However, just because I worked hard does not mean I will get what I want. God has a greater plan for me. Sometimes, He closes doors to open a window to an even better opportunity.

I live my life in the present moment but also planning that God will grace me with a future, therefore, I plan my life accordingly. I have learnt to make mistakes, learn from them, pick myself up, to make amends where necessary and do things differently. I have learnt to be the kind of person I can respect.

Have I mastered the art of the second head fake? Not by a long shot, but the beauty of life is that there is no final destination, rather the constant opportunity to improve on myself to be the kind of person I want to be.
I AM.....?

Treat others the way you want to be treated. And respect them for who they are. Don’t change them. Even though some people may not be nice to you at first, they will come around eventually.

If you're still attending school you must make sure to steer clear of drama and gossip. If someone decides to randomly gossip to you,"Hey did you hear what Sue said about Mary?", simply walk away. Its really that easy.
If you get annoyed by someone try to remember they're probably unaware that they are being
annoying. Keep positive.

Assume the best about people. Most people don't mean to insult or offend others most of the time. Unless it's overt, assume the slight was accidental.
Bad language, gossiping, whining, selfishness and greediness don't mix with being nice.
Hold the door open for someone who is approaching the door the same time you are. Allow them to go in ahead of you. Do the same if you are leaving a store, hold the door open wide, and allow whoever is leaving to leave before you.

If you are sitting, and you see an older, pregnant, ill person or someone with a baby or small children standing, offer them your seat if there are no other free seats close by.
Remember using vulgar language won't make a very good impression

Be courteous.

A skill set called Leadership

When I think of great leaders like Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Marcus Garvey, Richard Branson, Wangari Maathai, Martin Luther King – it seems to me that these almost mythological beings did not exactly set out on their journey with the thought of “Oh I will be a great leader one day”. Instead… I think it rather went something like “Oh I wish to make a difference”.

These and other great leaders possess a great vision … a vision that is not based on gain for the personal self, but a vision about having an impact on the “bigger picture” of their world or times, having a positive impact on peoples lives. With the commitment to this strong vision in mind, they set to work with the belief of making it happen, no matter what the challenges, cost or risks at stake.

Following on some of their journeys, a common thread is that the journey towards achieving their dream is certainly not an easy one, encountering and experiencing hardships some of us can only imagine. It seems, the bigger the dream, the bigger the risks and challenges. 

To me, leadership is a status given to exemplary individuals and is not something that can be taken. So how can you or anyone go about becoming a great leader?

Dream. Dream big! In fact - dream bigger than BIG. Then, with your every breath, thought and action, set out to make it happen. When your dream and actions inspire others to dream and act too, then you would know, yet another great leader is born.

In the Future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.”You cant choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous”
I grew up during a time before just anyone could get famous no matter the level of talent, and before paparazzi literally made a fortune from their photo’s. You really had to be something special to deserve fame back then….and I know it sounds like I’m referring to 200 years back in time, but trust me, it’s not that long ago.
So today anyone can reach fame and I think we have reality TV to thank for that….if there’s anything to be thankful for. The result of this so called “fame” is often a lot of careless exposure, trash media and of course, trash TV. And no, I’m not a fan of reality TV, mainly because I never understood shows like “Big Brother”. Watching other people on TV who are locked up in a house with strangers under abnormal circumstances is like watching a barn that you fill with all sort of animals.
But what I wonder is why would you want to be famous in the first place? You wouldn’t be able to go anywhere without being recognized…and I can imagine that we’re talking about both positive and negative attention. Loose weight, gain weight and it’s all over the tabloids. You’re too fat, too skinny….too everything. And you wouldn’t be able to have a normal relationship for any amount of time either. If ever. At least in Hollywood it seems that love affairs and marriages are a part of the trade – your partner is chosen depending on what will be positive for your career at the time. And there’s not a lot of things that can’t be done in the name of PR.
And I’m sure it’s pretty lonely at the top of the world no matter how much people you surround yourself with. Who can you trust? Do you know anyone in your immediate surroundings who wouldn’t want something from you if you were famous?
Some TV-channel showed a documentary about Marilyn Monroe the other night and about her last years before she died. That’s part of what made me think about this. She died alone and very depressed no matter if she was killed or killed herself. In any case, she wasn’t even 40 years old and I wonder if it was worth it.
There are always things that fame and money cannot buy.
“X-Factor” and a lot of other talent shows does nothing but expose all the kids who want to be pop stars…and it’s not just kids for that matter. Grown up people also want to be in the lime light, so for the sake of fairness it’s there in all ages. What is so sad about those kind of shows is that they are nothing but a carrot to entertain the masses temporarily. Not a lot of the winners have actually made it to the top….and I believe that’s not the point either. It’s just more trash TV really.
Maybe you have to be wired in a different way to handle fame, I don’t know…but there is something about being anonymous that is far more attractive.