Friday, 9 March 2012

If I were the boss

If I were the boss I would be best boss that ever happened to them. I would be the boss who realize that management succeeds via the efforts of the workers because of you're in charge doesn't mean you deserve all the credit for the work being done. Your staff is responsible for the bulk of the work. You are leading them as they get it done to be sure all regulations are complied.

I would be the boss who delegate responsibility and then trust my staff. Micro-managers are never appreciated and shows disrespect toward the team member. Once you've trained someone to handle a task, allow him or her to handle it without interference. Different people have different approaches, and someone else's way of doing something may be just as efficient as the way you would do it. Before you step in and force your way on anyone, give an honest evaluation to the method, and if you find it works just as well, even if it's different from yours, let it be. Constantly correcting your people undercuts their confidence and does not allow them to exercise their own style.

I would be the boss who knows my employees to know my strength. Watching your staff, get to know them as individuals. Understand their motives: Whatever that is, do your best to understand. That allows you to enhance, adjust and align their motives with your goals. The cream always rises to the top, and it's your job to figure out which employees do what is required in their jobs, and which employees do all they can in their jobs. There is a huge distinction.

I would be the boss who deals with any problems quickly and directly.  When you see a problem, deal with it quickly and don't nag your people about it later - let done be done. Try to elicit the agreement that whatever just happened was not acceptable. Remember that your goal is to promote productive behavior and retain the respect of your employee, NOT to antagonize your people, particularly in front of others.

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