Thursday, 12 April 2012

We are afraid of the wrong things

Are we afraid of wrong things?
Interesting point, and backs it up with plenty of subjective as well as statistical evidence. We are more afraid of terrorism than of dying of ill effects caused by the operations of our own industries, and  is a much higher cause of death than the former. We are convinced by the media that it is very dangerous for anybody to walk city streets because of “random” crime. But, as points out, violent crime is anything but random.
We tend to be afraid of things shown by the things that are constantly in the news.Do we have defense of being afraid of wrong things?

Yes, but the answer is going to make us yawn and wishing to turn the page or jumping into another area of pretending. The answer is slow, painful, continuous education of us. A process that is mostly up to us, that requires reading widely and discussing openly, that can eat into your TV or golf time, and that would make us more friendly only with the listening crowd. Then again, maybe the greatest responsibility of the citizens of a democracy is exactly to educate themselves, if nothing else in preparation for the next trip to the voting booth.

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