Tuesday 2 October 2012

The statute of Limitations has expired on most of our Childhood trauma

To know something, to know anything at all, is to live. If we have and know that we have information we may rightfully conclude that we are living. We may also safely say that without information we would not be living. It continues from the beginning of our lives to the end of them. There are no breaks in between. It is one long continuous story that matches our lifetime. When we exist, not only do we and our minds exist but the information that we have also exists.
 The information is a record of all our experiences, joys, and sorrows.

 It is the key to our appreciation and knowledge of the world. All the input that comes to us via our senses and from our thinking is somehow immediately stored as data in our memory for later recollection, reflection, and comparison. Without this data, and without the ability of our minds to interpret and understand it, we would have no being. There would, for us individually at least, be no existence, no consciousness, and no reality. We would not exist.

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